Many members of the Club knew her and have provided a few words:
Erika Mouttet writes:
"Allyson was a friend of UKWC and many other charitable organisations of T&T. I also knew her and her sisters personally through their connection with Magnolias Hockey team as my family are stalwarts of that team. When promoting Club events on TV Allyson would give us the opportunity to speak on her morning programme. Her very amiable personality enabled us to feel very comfortable and confident while she interviewed us - asking us all the right questions to promote our event. Both Brian Lara and Dwight York are good friends of hers and when we were auctioning signed cricket bats and football jerseys (for charity) she was instrumental on one or two occasions in getting these two gentlemen to sign the memorabilia for us which allowed us to achieve excellent sales values. Apart from her sporting and charitable interests, Allison has always been concerned about all things 'women' and many of her programmes revolved around women's issues. As a women's club, we most certainly have an affiliation with this very special lady and she will be sorely missed and greatly remembered."
Linda Hayton writes:
" Since coming to Trinidad 6 years ago I have met Allyson Henessy on many occasions both personally and as a past President of the Club. Her great interest in people and her personal warmth came across in everything that she did and while Allyson was not a member of the Club she represented our values of friendship and service in a very special way and helped us to promote them throughout Trinidad on her television programmes. Carnival TV was not the same this year without her commentaries on what was happening but I am so happy that my last memory of her was of seeing her playing mas herself on Carnival Tuesday with her band "Allyson and friends". To me that epitomised all she stood for including friends, causes and having a good time. We will indeed miss Allyson and remember her with great fondness."